Jobbix is now live!

Job search made easy with Jobbix at your service.

They say looking for a job is a full time job. We say it doesn't have to be.

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Robust search engine

Comprehensive easy to use search engine that will filter out the best jobs for you.

Jobs you want to see. None of the ones you don't.

No more irrelevant search results that LinkedIn feeds you. No more seeing an ideal job for the first time two weeks after it was posted. We show you the jobs you want to see, when you want to see them.

AI powered job submission package

Utilize the power of AI to get tailored resumes and cover letters for each job you apply to.

Prepare your searching profile in minutes

Searching for a job has never been easier. Unless your daddy is a billionaire, in which case have him call us to discuss an exciting investment opportunity.

Step 1
Sign up for an account
Sign up either with your email or with your Google account.
Step 2
Add queries and filters
Create queries based on keywords, location and type of work. Set up filters to get accurate results.
Step 3
Start tracking your search progress
Scan through more suitable openings quickly. Track statistics of your applications, interviews, refusals.
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